Millati, Intan Silfiyatul and Safitri, Rani and Purwati, Anik (2022) PENGARUH PEMBERIAN AROMA TERAPI SEREH (LEMONGRAS) TERHADAP KUALITAS TIDUR PADA IBU MENOPAUSE USIA ≥ 50 TAHUN DI PMB YULIA TRIJAYANTI KEC. TUREN KAB. MALANG. Vary Midwifery Journal, 4 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2685-693X; ISSN-E : 2685-967X
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Menopause yaitu masa jika tidak lagi menstruasi atau saat haid terakhir, dan apabila sesudah menopause disebut pasca menopause bila telah terjadi menopause 12 bulan sampai menuju ke senium. Menopause terjadi pada usia 49-51 tahun. Diagnosa menopause dapat ditegakkan jika berhentinya menstruasi sekurang-kurangnya satu tahun. Kualitas tidur adalah kepuasan seseorang terhadap tidur. Minyak aromaterapi sereh merupakan salah satu terapi komplementer yang juga dapat digunakan dalam mengatasi gangguan tidur Penelitian ini menggunakan Analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. variabel independen yaitu Pemberian Aroma Terapi Sereh dan variabel dependennya kualitas tidur pada ibu menopause. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh ibu menopause 40 orang dengan sampel 20 orang. Teknik ini menggunakan purposive sampling. Intrumen yang digunakan kuesioner PSQ1 dan Lembar Wawancara, dengan menggunakan uji statistik Wilxocon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian aromaterapi diperoleh 16 orang atau 80 % yaitu baik. Sebagian kwalitas tidur diperoleh 17 orang atau 85 % yaitu baik. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik Wilcoxon didapatkan hasil p value (0,000) <α (0,05). Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan pemberian aromaterapi dengan kwalitas tidur pada ibu menopause, dengan nilai koefisien korelasinya sebesar 0,651 yang mengartikan terdapat hubungan. Diharapkan bagi para medis untuk dapat meningkatkan pelayanan baik dalam promosi kesehatan seperti sosialisasi, penyuluhan pada ibu menopause untuk memberikan pendidikan kesehatan tentang pentingnya istirahat/tidur bagi ibu menopause. ABSTRACT Menopause is the period if it is no longer menstruating or during the last menstruation, and if after menopause it is called post-menopause when menopause has occurred 12 months until it goes to the senium. Menopause occurs at the age of 49-51 years. The diagnosis of menopause can be established if menstruation stops for at least one year. Sleep quality is a person's satisfaction with sleep. Lemongrass aromatherapy oil is one of the complementary therapies that can also be used in overcoming sleep disorders This study uses Analytics with a cross sectional approach. independent variables are Lemongrass Therapy Aroma Administration and the dependent variables sleep quality in postmenopausal mothers. The study population was 40 postmenopausal mothers with a sample of 20 people. This technique uses purposive sampling. The instruments used by the PSQ1 questionnaire and interview sheet, using the Wilxocon statistical test. The results showed that aromatherapy was obtained by 16 people or 80% which is good. Some sleep quality is obtained by 17 people or 85% which is good. Based on the results of Wilcoxon's statistical test, the results of p value (0.000) <α (0.05) were obtained. This shows that there is a relationship between aromatherapy administration and sleep quality in postmenopausal mothers, with a correlation coefficient value of 0.651 which means there is a relationship It is hoped that medical personnel will be able to improve services both in health promotion such as socialization, counseling to menopausal mothers to provide health education about the importance of rest / sleep for menopausal mothers.
Item Type: | Article | ||||||||||||
Contributors: |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Pemberian Aromaterapi, Kualitas Tidur, Ibu Menopause; Aromatherapy Administration, Sleep Quality, Menopausal Mother | ||||||||||||
Divisions: | Midwivery Study Program | ||||||||||||
Depositing User: | Yacobus Sudaryono | ||||||||||||
Date Deposited: | 09 Feb 2023 07:00 | ||||||||||||
Last Modified: | 04 Sep 2023 02:40 | ||||||||||||
URI: | |
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